Ok last for today was a shoot I did at the Government Conference Centre in Ottawa. The group that manages it came to us to do some new promotional material, I pitched the idea of doing some standard architectural shots, plus doing spherical panoramas for their web site. I'm still experimenting with HDR images when doing architectural shots... I've still got a ways to go, I don't feel like I'm getting consistently good results. I think I'm trying to capture too much detail in a single image. Ok so here are some HDR's... I'll up some panos when I get the chance.
Oh, right... some history on the GCC first...
It was the old train station in Ottawa, right across the road from the Chateau Laurier. They kept the building basically intact, which is really cool. They have old photos of the building all over it too... really interesting stuff. It's amazing to see how the downtown has changed in Ottawa even over the last 50 years. Ok enough geekery! Here are the shots...