Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Serenity now!!

Ok so my boss, who is generally a sweetheart... has this unfortunate ability to anger me to the point of screaming or violence... or even worse, screaming violence.  She's probably the biggest control freak I've ever met, which is made much worse by the fact that she's in complete denial about it.
For example:  When she's away sick or on a day off/holiday, she has all her work email forwarded home and she replies to it from home.  On numerous occasions, whoever is acting for her will reply to a client about an email, only to be told that she has already replied.  Of course she never mentions to the person acting that she's replied.  So not only does this make the acting manager look stupid to the client, it also makes us feel like she has no faith whatsoever in our abilities.  Cuz you know, answering a phone and returning emails is a pretty demanding task, that requires razor-sharp precision and ninja-like reflexes.
Allow me to continue...  today, we have a meeting with a client at 1:30 and the studio (where we hold client meetings that can't be done in somebody's cube) was still set up for a photo shoot and in slight disarray.  She comes to me at about 11:00 and mentions that we should tidy the room up, which of course I agree with and say that I'm working on something and will tidy well before the 1:30 meeting.  At about 12:15, I just finish munching down on my veggies and dip (immediately go to Costco and buy their Yogurt Chipotle dip... NOW!) and see her trundle on down to the studio room.  Sure enough, 2 minutes later there's a huge crash.  We have two fair sized tables in there that we use for meetings, and I had stacked one upside down on the other to free up some space for lighting.  Both of the tables are REALLY heavy.  Apparently my boss, in her infinite wisdom and legendary patience, decided she would take the table off the top, flip it over and get everything ready.  Now, my boss is about 6 months from retirement, can barely walk due to knees that will be reconstructed early this year, and I'm fairly certain she hasn't done a whole lot of weight training as of late.  How the hell did she figure she can just grab one of these tables and safely put it down?  I'm certainly not a power lifter... but I've got reasonable strength... and I can't even begin to try and flip one of these tables over by myself.  So a couple of us wander over to see what she destroyed and one person mentions that it's not illegal to ask for help.  I'm already angry because I told her I would take care of the room, and as usual she ignored me just because she's a tad obsessive about these things.  I mention calmly that I told her I was going to tidy the room, and her response was, "well, the meeting's in 45 minutes!!"  Let me dissect this statement from a critical perspective:  First of all, the meeting was in an hour and 15 minutes.  Second, even if the meeting was in 15 minutes, I WAS STILL GOING TO TAKE CARE OF IT.
Anyhoo... after reading back what I've written so far... it just all seems like small potatoes in the grand scheme of things.  That being said, this has been happening in varying degrees for 3 years, and there's a lot of other stuff that I haven't mentioned (but probably will as time goes on).  But like I said, she's really a sweetheart, she's done some really great things for me, and I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now without her, so I soldier on... I guess that's one thing I'm really looking forward to in terms of blogging...  being able to vent!  Although I don't want to seem like Mr. Negativepants... I'm actually a really positive guy... there's just a lot of things that piss me off!! (insert laughing emoticon and abbreviation such as LOL or ROFLMAO here)

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